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"If the Master wishes one or more of his own women, he sleeps here. If he is accepting the hospitality of a notable, he sleeps somewhere else," said the Chief Eunuch."And if I have had the harem emptied as my grandfather did? How soon could it be restocked?" asked David, more out of curiosity than anything."There could be three or four to choose from by this evening, Master, if that is your wish? Two or three experienced concubines of the highest quality and one or two would be virgin daughters. His head raised until it rested on my neck, next to my right cheek and ear. I could feel his ragged breathing on them, and this was not making my cock stop growing. I felt little smacking sounds along my neck and up to my ear. He was planting little kisses on them, as his right hand now rested directly on my blood-engorged member. He began rubbing his hand back and forth against it, and it was straining against my jeans to break free. His tongue found my ear, and I felt and heard the wet. Here was a guy who was practically fucking me in the ass (something I’d never really even considered) asking me to go to a private room and get naked with own sister (something else that I hadn’t really thought seriously about) and have sex with both of them (something that just completely blew my mind). Robert reached around the front of my pants and rubbed my cock, causing it to twitch and shift until it was sticking almost straight out, then he flipped Ellie’s skirt up and pulled her hips. But the two beautiful men next to me have a different plan for me. My ex flips me over onto my knees, sitting down with his back to the wall he pulls my face down into his crotch, shoving his dick into my mouth. I can’t see what his roommate is doing and start to panic. I try to lift up my head to look behind me but my ex holds my head down fucking my mouth. I hear his roommate spit and feel a warm fluid sliding between my ass cheeks down to my all ready moist cunt, he spits on my backside.
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Georgette Sanders in Bad Penny (1978)

Georgette Sanders in Bad Penny (1978)

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